Source code for penman.surface

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Surface strings, tokens, and alignments.

from typing import Mapping, Optional, Tuple, Type, TypeVar

from penman.epigraph import Epidatum
from penman.exceptions import SurfaceError
from penman.graph import Graph
from penman.types import BasicTriple

T = TypeVar('T', bound='AlignmentMarker')  # for classmethods

[docs] class AlignmentMarker(Epidatum): __slots__ = ( 'indices', 'prefix', ) def __init__(self, indices: Tuple[int, ...], prefix: Optional[str] = None): super().__init__() self.indices = indices self.prefix = prefix
[docs] @classmethod def from_string(cls: Type[T], s: str) -> T: """ Instantiate the alignment marker from its string *s*. Examples: >>> from penman import surface >>> surface.Alignment.from_string('1') Alignment((1,)) >>> surface.RoleAlignment.from_string('e.2,3') RoleAlignment((2, 3), prefix='e.') """ _s = s.lstrip('~') prefix = None try: if _s[0].isalpha(): # ...~e i = 1 if _s[1] == '.': # ...~e. i = 2 prefix = _s[0:i] _s = _s[i:] except IndexError as exc: raise SurfaceError(f'invalid alignment marker: {s!r}') from exc try: indices = tuple(map(int, _s.split(','))) except ValueError as exc: raise SurfaceError(f'invalid alignments: {s!r}') from exc return cls(indices, prefix=prefix)
def __repr__(self): args = repr(self.indices) if self.prefix: args += f', prefix={self.prefix!r}' name = type(self).__name__ return f'{name}({args})' def __str__(self): return '~{}{}'.format( self.prefix or '', ','.join(map(str, self.indices)) ) def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, AlignmentMarker): return False return self.prefix == other.prefix and self.indices == other.indices
[docs] class Alignment(AlignmentMarker): __slots__ = () mode = 2
[docs] class RoleAlignment(AlignmentMarker): __slots__ = () mode = 1
_Alignments = Mapping[BasicTriple, AlignmentMarker]
[docs] def alignments(g: Graph) -> _Alignments: """ Return a mapping of triples to alignments in graph *g*. Args: g: a :class:`~penman.graph.Graph` containing alignment data Returns: A :class:`dict` mapping :class:`~penman.graph.Triple` objects to their corresponding :class:`Alignment` objects, if any. Example: >>> from penman import decode >>> from penman import surface >>> g = decode( ... '(c / chase-01~4' ... ' :ARG0~5 (d / dog~7)' ... ' :ARG0~3 (c / cat~2))') >>> surface.alignments(g) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE {('c', ':instance', 'chase-01'): Alignment((4,)), ('d', ':instance', 'dog'): Alignment((7,)), ('c', ':instance', 'cat'): Alignment((2,))} """ return _get_alignments(g, Alignment)
[docs] def role_alignments(g: Graph) -> _Alignments: """ Return a mapping of triples to role alignments in graph *g*. Args: g: a :class:`~penman.graph.Graph` containing role alignment data Returns: A :class:`dict` mapping :class:`~penman.graph.Triple` objects to their corresponding :class:`RoleAlignment` objects, if any. Example: >>> from penman import decode >>> from penman import surface >>> g = decode( ... '(c / chase-01~4' ... ' :ARG0~5 (d / dog~7)' ... ' :ARG0~3 (c / cat~2))') >>> surface.role_alignments(g) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE {('c', ':ARG0', 'd'): RoleAlignment((5,)), ('c', ':ARG0', 'c'): RoleAlignment((3,))} """ return _get_alignments(g, RoleAlignment)
def _get_alignments( g: Graph, alignment_type: Type[AlignmentMarker], ) -> _Alignments: alns = {} triple = None for triple, epidata in g.epidata.items(): for epidatum in epidata: if isinstance(epidatum, alignment_type): alns[triple] = epidatum return alns