Using Penman as a Python Library ================================ For some cases, the :command:`penman` command is not flexible enough and it becomes necessary to write some Python code. Penman's Python API is well-documented and well-tested and lets you dig into the actual structures holding the data. One case where it's currently necessary to write code is for arbitrary graph editing. For example, perhaps you want to anonymize all attributes with numeric values. Here is one way to do that with the API: .. code-block:: python >>> import penman >>> from penman import constant >>> g = penman.decode('(b / buy-01 :ARG0 (i / i) :ARG1 (a / apple :quant 3))') >>> anon_map = {} >>> attributes = [] >>> for src, role, tgt in g.attributes(): ... if constant.type(tgt) in (constant.INTEGER, constant.FLOAT): ... anon_val = f'number_{len(anon_map)}' ... anon_map[anon_val] = tgt ... tgt = anon_val ... attributes.append((src, role, tgt)) ... >>> g2 = penman.Graph(g.instances() + g.edges() + attributes) >>> print(penman.encode(g2)) (b / buy-01 :ARG0 (i / i) :ARG1 (a / apple :quant number_0)) >>> anon_map {'number_0': '3'} This could be improved, such as making the anonymization into a function. It could also be made to work on the :class:`~penman.tree.Tree` structure if you care about keeping the original tree intact as this procedure loses the epigraphical markers needed to reconstruct the tree from the graph. The API is also useful for deeper inspection of graphs. For example: .. code-block:: python >>> import penman >>> g = penman.decode(''' ... # ::id ex1 ::snt The dog barked. ... (b / bark-01 ... :ARG0 (d / dog)) ... ''') >>> 'b' >>> g.instances() [Instance(source='b', role=':instance', target='bark-01'), Instance(source='d', role=':instance', target='dog')] >>> g.edges() [Edge(source='b', role=':ARG0', target='d')] >>> sorted(g.variables()) ['b', 'd'] >>> g.metadata {'snt': 'The dog barked.', 'id': 'ex1'} >>> g.epidata {('b', ':instance', 'bark-01'): [], ('b', ':ARG0', 'd'): [Push(d)], ('d', ':instance', 'dog'): [POP]} >>> g.reentrancies() {} Or for inserting surface alignments: .. code-block:: python >>> from penman import surface >>> g.metadata['tok'] = 'The dog barked .' >>> g.epidata[('b', ':instance', 'bark-01')].append(surface.Alignment((2,), prefix='e.')) >>> g.epidata[('d', ':instance', 'dog')].append(surface.Alignment((1,), prefix='e.')) >>> print(penman.encode(g)) # ::snt The dog barked. # ::id ex1 # ::tok The dog barked . (b / bark-01~e.2 :ARG0 (d / dog~e.1)) Many tasks can be accomplished with the basic API available at the top-level :mod:`penman` module, but some more advanced usage requires the use of specific submodules, such as the use of :mod:`penman.constant` and :mod:`penman.surface` above. See the :doc:`API documentation ` for more information.